Dick Jonas is now available for live shows!
With the covid pandemic receding, Dick Jonas has resumed doing live shows. If you're searching for entertainment involving a bunch of rowdy fighter pilot songs and war stories, you can communicate with him via postal mail, email, or telephone. See the contact page.
Album disks available at Erosonic and The River Rat Country Store. Downloads and streams available at iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite download site.
Toby Hughes:
I've known some pretty good fighter pilot lyricists through the years, Bobby Middleton, Thud Jock, Irv LeVine, also a Thud Jock and Chip Dockery who has flown the Phantom and a bunch of other stuff. But the warrior song-writing talents of Toby Hughes are unmatched by any of us. If there is a heavy thought you want to leave to posterity and you don't know how to say it, check with Toby. He has a way of reaching into the viscera, grabbing a fistful of guts and twisting until the pain goes away. He wrote the title song to this album, The Light In The Window. It is a tribute to those who had the toughest mission in any war -- stay home and wait.
Bridget Bradshaw:
Bridget is two or three generations younger than those lyricists mentioned above. The Vietnam War had come and gone, and Desert Storm was on the horizon when she was born. Her eight songs on this album illustrate the changes which evolve in the warrior's psyche as the generations come and go.
Jake Brooks:
Jake is a Tennessee songwriter with a keen perception of where the American common man finds himself today. You'll discover in his three songs Jake's convictions about the noble, courageous heart and soul of American tradition.
Special thanks to my baby daughter, Angela Jonas, for her most excellent vocal rendition of Mom and Me.
Dick Jonas
1. The Light In The Window

10. No-Son-Of-A-Gun's Gonna Take My Gun
2. Mom and Me (Angela Jonas)
11. Off To War
3. Old Farts
12. Warthog
4. Willing To Fight
13. Son of the Warrior
5. Single Gold Bar
14. Whiskey Bill
6. Kay Cee One Three Five
15. Take a Stand
7. Red, White and Blue
16. Itazuke Tower
8. FNG
17. Medevac
9. Bill Kirk